
It's the weekend again...

For starters, a quick correction to the lyrics scrolling in the widget at the end of this post: one of the stanzas should begin "It wouldn't cross my mind to ring your neck..."

Yes, starting out today with music and lyrics from the Dark Prince, the Godfather of Punk, the Man... Mr. Lou Reed. You can click on the song link at the end of this post to find out more and you can check the lyrics to the tune I'm currently listening to, before or after checking out the FoxyTunes link because... well... I'm such a swell guy. But you already know that, don't you? Thought so. Yeah... just swell.

So, it's the weekend. That means two days to count down before Monday morning rears its ugly, ugly head. How can you not be stoked about that, heh?! You look forward to Friday just to begin dreading Monday all over again. Another one of those great cycles in life. You're born to die. Things die and then others are born. Friday comes and the anticipation gives way to the anxiety for Monday's return.

I hear the beauty is to be found somewhere in between but maybe it's such a fine line between the one thing and the other that you happen to blink and you miss the desired experience, or never have a consciousness of such an experience. But then you can feel regret! Because you can ask yourself: 'What if I hadn't blinked? Then what might have happened?!' Convince yourself that it must have been something good (wherefore all the feelings of anticipation and anxiety?). Yeah, and then feel guilty about having missed the one thing you were waiting for... living for even.

No, the weekend must be an illusion. I refuse to believe in it anymore. It causes too many problems. From now on, Friday and Monday belong to a continuum that I shall henceforth refer to as a 'week'. Yes, and this week will, for all intents and purposes belong to something bigger, called a 'month'. And the month to a 'year' and the year a 'decade' and it goes on and on, ad infinitum (or until time finally croaks... and if I were around that day I would certainly toast its passing!).

I shake my virtual fist at you, you abomination known commonly as the 'Idea of Weekend'. I have wasted so many Friday evenings and nights, Saturdays and, yes, even Sundays trying to find you or, at least 'get you'. But I have had it up to here (about as high as, say, my chin or under my nose... really high anyway) with your absentee presence in the back of my mind. Even now you continue to play with me, allowing me to address you when you clearly don't exist! The gall!

Anyway, Lou Reed long behind me in the post, I am now calming myself down from my own mad ramblings with the soothing, tranquil melodies of such fine lo-fi greats as Sebadoh, Pavement and Yo La Tengo.

Notes on today: Visited Hachihama elementary school (八浜小) again. Great school, great kids. Me, well, I'm sorry, I do my best, but my best isn't my best these days, if you know what I mean (if you don't, well, you're pretty lucky I'd say and you needn't worry yourself over such trivialities as understanding what is meant by a person saying 'my best isn't my best'). The kids had a good time, I think, but I'm just not so full of life. Again, sorry.

I'd like to acknowledge the school's... well, I don't know what her title is, actually. I don't know her name, either. But the important thing about a person isn't any of these things, it's character and she has it. She is a nice woman in slightly more 'advanced years' with a large heart and the courage to give us both the pleasure of broken, but sincere, communication in Japanese and English. And she makes delicious juices out of shiso and various fruits. Thank you, You!

Off to Dainihibi elementary school (大二日比小) on Monday. Stay tuned for more exciting news on that.

The week continues without end (you see, that's true acceptance of reality... no wool over these eyes!).

I'm out...

Played while I posted: Lou Reed - Warrior King
via FoxyTunes

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