
High school entrance exams

Hey, what do you know - it's me again, already! How about that?!

Just wanted to mention that today is the day when many junior high school students come to the commercial high school at which I am an ALT. It's a competition for spots in the 1st grade (1年生) in the coming school year (beginning in April).

Generally, these students aren't strong enough for the academic high schools, but in some cases they actually choose a commercial school because of the business classes and respective training for a career in a business-related field, or they choose this school in particular for certain school sports or other clubs that might be strong. I think the bulk of students at the school, however, never had much of a chance at the academic schools coming out of junior high. And I can pick out the strong students who came specifically to study commercial studies.

Anyway, I'm not sure how many high schools in Japan are having their entrance exams written today, but I imagine there are quite a few. 'Tis the season. If you are interested in knowing more about how the Japanese education system works, I found an interesting page for you. Click here.

みんなさん、がんばってよ。 (Good luck, everyone/Do your best)

I'm out...
Played while I posted: Komputer - More Automation
via FoxyTunes

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