
Big news coming your way, soon!

How's that for suspense, heh?! That's right! How soon is soon, you ask? Well, let's say, before the end of the month. But it's real news. The JUICY stuff. Is it good, you ask? Is it bad? I don't know. Hmm...

Anyway, went to Shounai elementary school (荘内小) again today. 5年生 this time. Theme was sports. Enjoyed lunch but, due to poor weather, wasn't able to get out to play with the kids afterwards.

Studying a lot for my Level 3 Japanese Proficiency Test on December 2, so I used my extra lunch time to keep at it. I did the 2006 Level 4 test (4 is lowest and 1 is highest) yesterday, for practice and... NAILED it!

I would have been in the top 0.7% of all people taking the test in the world last year (about 5,500 people). And that's with a couple of simple mistakes that I could have caught if I took the time to really check things over. I'm skipping over Level 4 and reaching for the stars.

I'm finishing up studying some grammar points for Level 3 and then I will be ready to take the test from last year to gauge where I'm at. I'm sure at this point that I'll pass but, if you're one of the folks out there who really knows me, you know that's just not gonna be good enough for me. Ed, you there? I'm shooting for 100%, boss! Of course.

Level 3 is quite a big step up from 4. And once I conquer 3, I'm starting right away for 2. Btw, C is taking on the big Level 1 on the same day, a level which, I've been told by a few Japanese people, many native Japanese speakers wouldn't pass. I'm sure she'll succeed. We've only been studying for months!

Big time NERD, you're thinking? Okay. I can live with that. And let's be honest, deep down we all envy the nerds (fun test here) because they're the truly cool folks. It's hard for most to see at first but when you really dig into them, you find that nerds have so many fun layers of cool to them that are difficult for the naked eye and socially-impaired senses to discern.

Actually, scrap that. Let's level the playing field. Deconstruct. 'Cool' is just a construct of some peoples' minds. Nobody is cool and everybody is cool. No such thing as nerds, either. Just human animals of all different shapes, sizes, and wacky beliefs and belief systems.

On that solid note,
I'm out...
Played while I posted: The Mekons - Kill
via FoxyTunes

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