
Onion News Network, BS, and bagpipe punk... sweet!

Okay, I'm home from the high school and not over the cold yet. So, I'm kicking back and chilling to some celtic, 'guitar and bagpipe' music. Just realized that I saw The Real McKenzies in Whistler, BC when I first went out West at the ripe, old age of 19. They were playing in a small pub (maybe Garf's [Garfinkel's]?) filled with mostly preppy, rich Whistler skiers (I didn't know where the better places to hang out were at the time).

I was with my pal, Jim, with whom I had gone to BC from Hamilton, Ontario (more here). We had gotten started at the hostel by the lake and then continued to pound 'em back at the pub. The McKenzies ripped it up and we stumbled and moshed and tried our best to get in the faces of a couple jock-type, Ralph Lauren Polo-wearing young lads, but they wouldn't bite, which was lame because we were drunk and raring to go, with good Scottish-Canadian 'fock yee' punk rock to back us up.

So... we just kept making a mess on the little stage/dance floor in the pub and, most likely (can't remember) puked and stumbled out of the village centre to our mats on the floor at 'home' by the lake. All-in-all, sounds like a pretty solid night, doesn't it? Aye, laddie!

Shout out to Mom 'n' Pops in Grimsby (more here): thanks for following along! Much love.

Anyway, I wanted to post quickly to mention The Onion (a great satirical newspaper) and, more importantly, that I just discovered that they have video news now called the Onion News Network. Wanna laugh your &ss off? It always kills me. (Still not sure what I get off on? Can't tell what makes me laugh yet? What stimulates me? Well, keep hanging around here long enough and you'll soon know... or maybe you won't but I don't really care, do I...)

So, I'm including a video clip again. This time, it's a 'news report' on the run-up to the US 2008 Elections. Thank (insert the name of a deity or person or anything you want here) for good comedy and that rare breed of people in the world I like to loosely refer to as 'intelligent'. Enjoy...

Oh, man! Thank you! I'm good for a while now (read: roughly ten minutes or so until I'll need another hit to keep me going). I've done my global citizen duty for the day. Will I rest easy tonight?

I'm out...
Played while I posted: The Real McKenzies - Sawney Beane Clan
via FoxyTunes

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