
It's that 'Weekend' thing again. Can't fool me, though

So, it's Friday. I went to Osaki elementary school (大崎小) today and really enjoyed my time with all of the kids. Truly, they're very well-behaved kids, all-in-all. Even the 5年 and 6年 kiddies weren't too shy and certainly not unruly (usually after 4年 they're becoming either にぎやか ['lively'] or はずかしい [shy/embarassed/ashamed]). But the Osaki kids are great. Good for them.

Also, I'm grateful to the teaching staff for being such a friendly bunch. And I always enjoy my little conversations with Kouchou-sensei (校長先生). Today, he taught me some new things in Japanese and I explained a few things to him in English. Fair trade.

A parent of one of the school's students came by to talk to me. We met last year. She teaches some children out of her home after school hours. She had asked previously if I might be available to help her out on the odd occasion. Well, it turns out that she's doing a Hallowe'en thing for the kids and I'm going to pitch in to make it interesting. It's not until a week after Hallowe'en, mind you, but it's something, and that's what counts, right? I look forward to it (楽しみます).

Tomorrow: the speech contest in Kurashiki (倉敷市) in the a.m. and then off to Fukuyama (福山 - the English link on this page is actually properly translated) to have a hotpot dinner (お鍋 - nabe - pronounced 'nah-bay'... more here) with my Woman's godparents. Should be interesting. I haven't previously met them but I sure love a good nabe, so I can't go wrong... or can I? Wait and see!

Okay... Happy Weekend to all the believers out there and see you in my next post...

I'm out...
Played while I posted: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Mysteries
via FoxyTunes

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