
Elementary school visits and an internet 'found object'

Hey, hey, hey! So, I visited Hibi elementary school (日比小) on Friday and had a good time (the kids did, too, I believe). I always enjoy talking with Mr. Kyooka (強化先生?... sorry, I don't know the Kanji [漢字], so I'm guessing. If anyone out there knows him, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Anyway, he's a very friendly guy, young-hearted, broad-thinking, hard-working, and (you can add more compound adjectives here if you want). His English-speaking ability is very high and we can talk about many things together. Thanks, Mr. Kyooka! I look forward to my next visit. But, not only is he a nice fella, but the whole staff is very kind to me and I can tell people want to talk with me. They are waiting for my Japanese to improve, I believe! Don't worry, people, I'm working hard at it every day! がんばりますよ。

So, that was Friday (and a long day, at that, especially with a bad cold). Today, I visited Hokotate elementary school (鉾立小), which is, I think, the smallest school in Tamano (excluding the little one on the island that I don't visit), yet, a beautiful little school. Great kids, really. Kyouto-sensei (教頭先生 - vice-principal/head teacher) is a wonderful guy and has been going to private classes to work on his English-speaking ability. He's succeeding, for sure. He is quite fluent and is a pleasure to speak with.

Also, I should recognize Kanrei-sensei (I'm going to stop randomly guessing the Kanji now), the teacher for the 3年生 class. She is very kind, speaks great English, and works hard to plan great classes. Thank you to all of the teachers and students at Hokotate! また近藤ね。

That brings everyone up-to-date on school visits. Now, how about something completely different? Since I like funny people, and I like critical thinking, how about a video I came across that combines both. A George Carlin (more here) YouTube video talking about education, America, and the people who control everything.

I know, I'm Canadian, right? Well, most of the action that affects people in countries as close as Canada and as far away as Japan is happening in the U.S. So, I'm always interested in hearing from American citizens who can speak out about problems in their own country (don't worry, you will hear from me and other Canadian citizens over time, pointing out the faults of the people in charge of/messing up/selling out my country... though, many of them are American, if you think about it).

Check it out. It's a video that somebody put together with George Carlin's stand-up routine mixed in. Warning! Carlin is known to have a 'potty-mouth' (he uses words that some people aren't comfortable with). If you don't have a stomache for that kind of thing, maybe go watch a different video instead? But it's intelligent stuff, honestly. I don't mind language that kicks you out of daydreams, personally. He's 70 years old, this guy!!

I'm out...
Played while I posted: Iron & Wine - Jezebel
via FoxyTunes

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